Oh, honey, you wanna know what does he think of me tarot? Let me tell you, those cards, they got a way of showin’ things, you know? Like peekin’ into a fella’s mind, even if he don’t say nothin’. Tarot reading, it’s like readin’ the weather, only it’s about people’s insides, their thinkin’ and feelin’.

First, you gotta get yourself some of them tarot cards. Ain’t too hard to find, I reckon. Then, you shuffle ’em, thinkin’ real hard about that boy. Think about his smile, his eyes, the way he talks. Keep him in your head real good while you’re shufflin’. Then spread those cards out, face down, like plantin’ seeds in a row.
What Does He Think of Me Tarot: Shuffle Those Cards
When you shuffle, you gotta ask your question. You already know what you wanna know – what does he think of me tarot. So, just hold that thought, tight as you can. Don’t let it go. It’s like holdin’ onto a chicken that don’t wanna be caught. You gotta be firm.
Then you pick some, usually three. Some folks say more, some say less, but three’s a good number. Each one of them cards, it’s gonna tell you somethin’. One might be about what he thinks now, one about what he’s hopin’ for, and one might be somethin’ you don’t even know yet, a surprise, like findin’ a hen layin’ eggs in the haystack.
What Does He Think of Me Tarot: Pick Your Cards
- Card one, that’s his head, what’s he thinkin’ right now.
- Card two, that’s his heart, what’s he feelin’ deep down.
- Card three, that’s the future, what might happen down the road.
Now, I ain’t no expert on all them cards, but I seen a few in my time. There’s one, it’s got a fella hangin’ upside down. Don’t you fret, it ain’t all bad. It can mean he’s seein’ things different, maybe thinkin’ about you in a new way. The World, now that’s a good one. It’s like a big circle, everything comin’ together. Could be he sees a future with you, like plantin’ and harvestin’, a whole life together.
But if you see that Three of Swords, oh honey, that one stings. It’s got swords and a heart, and it ain’t pretty. Means someone’s hurtin’, maybe him, maybe you. If he’s thinkin’ about the past, and you see that card, it’s like a storm cloud. He’s probably sad about somethin’ that happened between you two. If he is thinkin’ about you, and you got the three of swords, it means that he is upset, not thinkin’ good thoughts. It means he thinks it’s better you two ain’t together.
And there is a card with a man hangin’. He is upside down. He might be thinkin’ about you. It could be he is thinkin’ about you in a way you ain’t never thought of. Like when you find a dollar in your old jeans, surprise! He might be thinkin’ he wants to see you. He might be thinkin’ he made a big mistake. The cards, they show you what’s there. But you still have to figure it out, you still have to make choices.
What Does He Think of Me Tarot: Understand the Cards
See, these cards, they ain’t magic, not really. They just help you see what’s already there, like a good pair of glasses. They show you what he might be thinkin’, but he’s still got his own mind, you know? He can think whatever he wants, he can make his own choices. If he is thinkin’ about you, he may just be thinkin’ about how things used to be. He might be thinkin’ about somethin’ else all together. The cards can give you hints, not the whole story.
What does he think of me tarot? That is what you are askin’. These cards can tell you lots. They can show you if he’s thinkin’ good thoughts or bad thoughts. They can show if he’s thinkin’ about the past or the future. But you gotta remember, thoughts ain’t everything. It’s like lookin’ at the clouds. You can see shapes, but they change. People’s minds change too.
But still, it’s nice to know, ain’t it? To have a little peek into his head. Just remember, honey, you got your own life to live, your own garden to tend. Don’t you go lettin’ some fella’s thoughts, or some fancy cards, take over your whole world. You are strong, you make your own sunshine. Don’t you forget it. You do what makes you happy. You be with people who make you happy. You don’t need cards to tell you that.
This tarot readin’, it’s just a little somethin’ to think about, like a story in a book. It ain’t the whole truth, but it might have a piece of it. So, you take what you need from it, and leave the rest. And you keep your head up, and your heart open. That’s the best way to live, cards or no cards. You got this, honey. You are doin’ just fine. You don’t need no cards to tell you that you are a good person. You are a good egg. You are a good catch. You just keep bein’ you.