Okay, so I’ve been seeing the number 357 everywhere lately. On license plates, receipts, clocks… you name it. It felt like more than just coincidence, so I decided to treat it like an “angel number” and do a little experiment.
My Angel Number 357 Experiment
First, I grabbed my journal. I like to keep track of this kind of stuff, you know, just in case there’s something to it. I wrote down “Angel Number 357 Experiment” at the top of a fresh page.
Then, I spent a few minutes just getting quiet. I closed my eyes, took some deep breaths, and tried to clear my head. I figured I needed to be open to whatever the universe, or my guides, or whatever, were trying to tell me.
After that, I just started brainstorming. What could 357 mean? I jotted down everything that came to mind:
- Could it be a message about change? (3, 5, and 7 are all kind of “active” numbers, right?)
- Maybe it’s about taking a risk?
- Or is it about finding balance in the middle of chaos?
Honestly, I didn’t have any “aha!” moments right away. It was more like planting seeds. I decided I’d just keep my eyes open for any signs or synchronicities related to those ideas over the next few days.
And guess what? Stuff did start happening. I had a conversation with a friend about a career change she was considering, and it got me thinking about my own path. I also found myself saying “yes” to an opportunity that I normally would have talked myself out of. It felt scary, but also… right.
I kept journaling about it all, noting any connections I saw back to my initial brainstorm. It was like putting together a puzzle, little by little.
By the end of the week, I didn’t have a definitive “answer” about the meaning of 357. But I did have a much clearer sense of direction in my own life. I felt more confident about taking some leaps, and I realized I’d been playing it way too safe. I realized through doing the experiment that its not so much about solve for x, but more about looking for clues in the moment.
So, yeah, that’s my 357 story. Maybe it’s all just coincidence, but it definitely helped me to pay attention and make some positive changes. I’d say it was a win, regardless!