Okay, so today I’m diving into something a little different, something more… personal. It’s about my astrological chart, specifically my Pisces Sun and Cancer Rising. I’ve been trying to understand myself better, you know? And astrology has been a surprisingly insightful tool.

It all started with a late-night internet rabbit hole. I was feeling restless, a little lost, and somehow I ended up on a website calculating birth charts. I plugged in my birth date, time, and place, and boom – there it was. Pisces Sun, Cancer Rising, and a whole bunch of other stuff I didn’t understand at the time.
First, I focused on the Sun sign. Pisces. That resonated immediately. I’ve always been a dreamer, a bit of an escapist, deeply empathetic, and sometimes, yeah, a little too sensitive. I love art, music, anything that lets me tap into that dreamy, imaginative side. I read everything I could find about Pisces – the good, the bad, and the downright confusing.
Then came the Rising sign – Cancer. This one took a little more digging. Initially, I was like, “Cancer? Me? But I’m not that emotional!” (Famous last words, right?). But as I learned more, it started to click. The Rising sign is supposed to be how you present yourself to the world, your outer shell, your first impression.
I started observing myself more closely. How did I react in new situations? How did I interact with strangers? I noticed that, yeah, I do tend to come across as a bit reserved, maybe even a little shy, at first. I realized I’m very protective of my energy and my emotions, especially around people I don’t know well. I definitely have that nurturing, “mom friend” vibe, always making sure everyone is comfortable and taken care of. That’s so Cancer.
The combination of a watery sun and a watery rising? No wonder that I feel all the feels! I have started to create lists with my emotions.
- Note down the triggers.
- Take time off from any social media.
- Create art and let the feelings flow.
- Be kind to myself.
I’m still on this journey, still learning and exploring. But understanding my Pisces Sun and Cancer Rising has been like finding a missing piece of the puzzle. It’s helped me embrace my sensitivity, my intuition, and my natural inclination to care for others. It’s also shown me where I need to work on setting boundaries and protecting my own energy. It’s a process, but it’s been a really rewarding one so far.