Alright, alright, let’s talk about this… this “transit Neptune conjunct sun” thing. Don’t you go thinkin’ I know all the fancy words, I just heard folks talkin’ and I figured I’d tell ya what it all means, the way I see it, you know?

What happens when Neptune meets the Sun?
Well, they say it’s like the sun gets all foggy. Like, you know, when you wake up in the mornin’ and the mist is heavy over the fields? Can’t see clear, everything’s kinda soft and dreamy-like. That’s what happens to you, inside your head, I guess. You start feelin’ things more, seein’ things differently. Like, you might get all emotional watchin’ a darn commercial or somethin’.
They call it “spiritual awakenin’.” Sounds fancy, huh? To me, it just means you start thinkin’ about bigger things. Not just about your crops and your chickens, but about…well, about everything. About why we’re here, what it all means. You might start prayin’ more, or just sittin’ and lookin’ at the stars, wonderin’.
- You get more sensitive. Like, if someone yells, it feels like they punched ya in the gut.
- You get more…what’s the word…compassionate. Yeah, that’s it. You start feelin’ for other folks, even the ones you don’t like so much. You wanna help ‘em, even if they’re just lazy good-for-nothings.
- You might get all artsy-fartsy. Suddenly, you wanna paint pictures or write poems, even if you ain’t never done it before. Don’t go thinkin’ you gonna be famous, mind you, but it might make ya feel good.
But it ain’t all sunshine and roses, ya hear?
This foggy feelin’ can make you confused too. Like, you can’t tell what’s real and what ain’t. You might start believin’ things that ain’t true, or trustin’ people you shouldn’t. So, you gotta be careful. Real careful. Don’t go givin’ all your money to some smooth talker just ‘cause he says he’s got a bridge to sell ya, understand?
And this sensitivity? It can wear ya down. You gotta take care of yourself. Eat good, sleep good, and don’t let folks walk all over ya. You ain’t a doormat, you know? Stand up for yourself, even if it feels like you’re swimmin’ upstream.
When does all this happen?
Well, it depends on when you were born, I reckon. And when Neptune decides to do its little dance with the sun in the sky. They say it can last for a while, this foggy period. Weeks, months, maybe even a year or two. So, you gotta buckle up and ride it out. Like a storm, it’ll pass eventually.
What should you do?
First off, don’t panic. It’s just a phase, like the moon. It’ll come and it’ll go. Second, listen to your gut. That little voice inside? It’s usually right. And third, be kind to yourself. You’re gonna make mistakes, you’re gonna feel lost sometimes. That’s okay. Just keep puttin’ one foot in front of the other, and you’ll get through it.

And for goodness sake, don’t go makin’ any big decisions when your head’s all foggy. Don’t sell the farm, don’t marry that fella you just met, and definitely don’t buy no bridges! Wait till the mist clears, then you can see things clear as day.
So, there you have it. That’s what I know about this “transit Neptune conjunct sun” thing. It ain’t rocket science, just life, I reckon. Sometimes it’s clear, sometimes it’s foggy. You just gotta keep on livin’, keep on learnin’, and keep on trustin’ that things will work out in the end. Now go on, get yourself a cup of tea and stop worryin’ so much. You’ll be just fine.
And remember, ain’t nothin’ new under the sun, even if that sun’s got a little fog around it.
One more thing, if you feel like you’re losin’ your grip, find someone to talk to. A friend, a neighbor, even the preacher. Don’t go through it alone.
Tags: [Sun conjunct Neptune, Neptune transit, Spiritual awakening, Sensitivity, Compassion, Intuition, Astrology, Horoscope, Planets, Transits]