Well now, if you ever found yourself wonderin’ ’bout Tarot cards and what they got to say to you, especially when you’re askin’ for a simple “Yes” or “No” answer, let me tell you, it’s easier than it sounds. You see, Tarot cards ain’t just pretty pictures; they got a way of speakin’ to ya, tellin’ you things, dependin’ on how they show up in a spread. So, if you’re lookin’ for a quick yes or no answer, this list of Tarot cards can sure help you out. But remember, it’s all about the energy in them cards—sometimes they got a lot to say, sometimes not so much!

1. The Fool – Yes
Well, the Fool’s a good one. If you draw this card, it’s a big ol’ “Yes” in a way. You might be takin’ a leap of faith, but the answer’s still “Yes.” Ain’t no need to second guess, just go ahead and take that first step, trust in the journey, and you’ll be alright.
2. The Magician – Yes
Now, the Magician—he’s all about makin’ things happen. When you pull him, it’s a sign that you got everything you need to make it work, so it’s a “Yes” for sure. If you’re askin’ whether you have what it takes, the answer is clear: you sure do!
3. The High Priestess – Maybe
Well, the High Priestess ain’t so quick to answer. She’s a mysterious one, and she likes to keep things to herself. So, if she shows up, it’s more like a “Maybe” or “Wait and see.” You might not get an answer right away, but in time, the truth will come out.
4. The Empress – Yes
When the Empress shows up, it’s like the world’s blooming right in front of ya. She’s full of abundance, fertility, and all that good stuff. So, when you’re askin’ a yes or no question, you can bet your boots it’s a big ol’ “Yes!”
5. The Emperor – Yes
The Emperor’s all about structure, power, and control. When he shows up in a reading, it means you’ve got the authority or the foundation to get things done. It’s a solid “Yes”—whatever you’re askin’ about, you got the strength to handle it.
6. The Hierophant – Yes
Now, the Hierophant, he’s like a wise ol’ teacher. If he turns up, it’s likely a “Yes,” especially if you’re askin’ about something that requires guidance or tradition. He’s all about following the rules and the right path, so it’s a “Yes” in that sense.
7. The Lovers – Yes
Ah, the Lovers card. If you’re askin’ about a relationship or a deep connection, this card’s a clear “Yes.” It’s all about love, harmony, and choosing what’s right for you. So, if you’re wondering whether love’s on the horizon, this card’s a good sign!

8. The Chariot – Yes
Now, don’t let the Chariot fool ya! It may look like a struggle, but when it shows up, it’s a “Yes” all the way. It means you’re pushin’ through, overcoming obstacles, and gonna succeed no matter what. So keep on goin’—the answer’s definitely “Yes.”
9. Strength – Yes
When Strength comes up, it’s sayin’ you got the inner power to make it happen. It’s a “Yes” in every way—whatever your question is, you’ve got the strength to tackle it head-on. No doubt about it.
10. The Hermit – Maybe
The Hermit, now he’s a quiet one. He likes to spend time alone, thinkin’ things through. So, when this card shows up, it might be a “Maybe” or a “Not yet.” It’s time for reflection, but the answer ain’t clear yet.
11. Wheel of Fortune – Yes
The Wheel of Fortune is all about cycles and luck. When it spins in your favor, the answer is a big “Yes.” Things are in motion, and whether you’re ready or not, fate’s got a hand in this, so take it as a sign that the time is right.
12. Justice – Yes
Justice says everything’s gonna be fair and square. If you’re lookin’ for a yes or no answer, this one’s a “Yes,” especially if you’re askin’ about fairness or balance. Things will work out as they should.
13. The Hanged Man – No
Now, don’t get too excited if the Hanged Man shows up. This card’s more of a “No,” or at least a “Not right now.” It’s all about delays, pausing, and seeing things from a different angle. If you’re askin’ if now’s the time, the answer’s likely “No.” But don’t worry—sometimes you just need to wait and reflect.
14. Death – No

Don’t be scared now—Death doesn’t mean the end of your life. It’s just a “No” card, representin’ big changes and transformation. If you’re askin’ about something that’s not ready to change or end, the answer is likely “No.” But don’t fret—it’s just part of the cycle of life!
15. Temperance – Yes
Temperance is all about balance and patience. When this card shows up, it’s a sign of harmony and peace. If you’re lookin’ for an answer, it’s a “Yes,” but it might take time. Things will work out, just be patient and let things flow.
16. The Devil – No
When the Devil card comes up, it’s a big ol’ “No.” This card’s about temptation, addiction, and things that hold ya back. If you’re askin’ whether you should go ahead with something that don’t feel right, this card’s tellin’ ya to step back and say no.
17. The Tower – No
Oh, the Tower card, now that’s one you don’t want to see if you’re lookin’ for a “Yes.” This card’s about sudden change, chaos, and disruption. If you’re askin’ if something’s gonna go smooth, well, the answer’s a resounding “No.” Things might get a little rocky.
18. The Star – Yes
If the Star comes up, it’s a “Yes” for sure. This card’s all about hope, inspiration, and good things comin’ your way. It’s a sign that everything’s alignin’ just right for ya, so go ahead and take that leap.
19. The Moon – Maybe
Now, the Moon’s a tricky one. It’s full of illusions and things hidden in the dark. If you’re askin’ for a yes or no, this one’s a “Maybe”—there’s still some stuff you don’t know yet, so hold off and wait for the truth to reveal itself.
20. The Sun – Yes
The Sun, now that’s a card you can always count on for a “Yes.” It’s all about happiness, clarity, and success. If you’re askin’ if something’s gonna turn out good, you can bet it will with the Sun shining on ya.
21. Judgment – Yes
Judgment’s all about renewal and rebirth. If you’re askin’ for a “Yes” or “No,” this card says “Yes.” Things are comin’ to light, and you’re gonna get your second chance at whatever you’re askin’ about.
22. The World – Yes
The World’s the last card in the deck, and when it shows up, it’s a “Yes.” It’s the end of one cycle and the start of another. It’s completion, success, and fulfillment. If you’re askin’ if something’s gonna wrap up nicely, the answer is “Yes.”
So there you have it, a simple rundown of the Tarot cards and what they mean when you’re lookin’ for a yes or no answer. Just remember, every card’s got its own energy, and it’s all about what feels right for you. You gotta trust your gut, and those cards will lead you where you need to go!
Tags:[Tarot Cards, Yes or No Tarot, Tarot Reading, Tarot Yes or No List, Fortune Telling, Tarot Card Meanings, Major Arcana, Tarot Answers]