Alright, let’s talk about these tarot cards, you know, the ones them fortune tellers use. I ain’t no expert, but I’ve seen enough to tell ya a thing or two. So, you wanna know about the tarot card numbers in order, huh? Well, it ain’t as simple as countin’ your chickens, that’s for sure.

First off, there’s a whole bunch of ’em, like a big ol’ family reunion. Seventy-eight cards in total, can ya believe it? They got two main groups, the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. Sounds fancy, I know, but it ain’t that complicated.
The Major Arcana, them’s the big shots. Twenty-two cards, each with a picture and a number, except for one called the Fool, he’s got a zero. They’re like the big chapters in your life, you know, the important stuff. Let’s see if I can remember ’em all now… It starts with the Fool, then the Magician, the High Priestess… Shoot, it’s hard to keep ’em all straight in my old head. There’s the Empress, the Emperor, the Hierophant, the Lovers… Then comes the Chariot, Strength, the Hermit… Wheel of Fortune, that one always sounds important. Justice, the Hanged Man… Death, don’t be scared, it ain’t always what it seems. Temperance, the Devil… The Tower, that one’s a bit scary too. Then the Star, the Moon, the Sun… Judgement, and finally, the World. Whew! That’s a mouthful, ain’t it?
So them twenty-two cards, they got their own order, from zero to twenty-one. The Fool’s at the start, the World’s at the end, and all the others in between. They tell a story, see? Like the journey of life, from start to finish. Each card’s got its own meaning, but they also connect to each other, like links in a chain.
- Major Arcana (0-21)
- 0 – The Fool
- 1 – The Magician
- 2 – The High Priestess
- 3 – The Empress
- 4 – The Emperor
- 5 – The Hierophant
- 6 – The Lovers
- 7 – The Chariot
- 8 – Strength
- 9 – The Hermit
- 10 – Wheel of Fortune
- 11 – Justice
- 12 – The Hanged Man
- 13 – Death
- 14 – Temperance
- 15 – The Devil
- 16 – The Tower
- 17 – The Star
- 18 – The Moon
- 19 – The Sun
- 20 – Judgement
- 21 – The World
Now, the Minor Arcana, them’s like the everyday stuff. Fifty-six cards, split into four suits, just like a regular deck of cards, but with different names. They got Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles. Each suit’s got fourteen cards: Ace to Ten, then Page, Knight, Queen, and King. So, you got Ace of Wands, Two of Wands, all the way up to Ten of Wands, then Page of Wands, and so on. Same goes for Cups, Swords, and Pentacles.
The order in them suits is important too. Ace is like the beginning, the spark, you know? Then the numbers build up, showing how things grow and change. The Page is like a young’un, just starting out. The Knight’s more experienced, on a mission. The Queen, she’s powerful and wise. And the King, well, he’s the boss, top of the heap.
So, when you’re lookin’ at tarot card numbers in order, you gotta think about both the Major and Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana’s the big picture, the overall story. The Minor Arcana’s the details, the everyday ups and downs. And how they all mix together, well, that’s where the real magic happens.
Now, I ain’t gonna lie, figuring out what them cards mean ain’t easy. You gotta use your gut, you know? Your intuition. And it takes practice, lots of it. But even if you just start with one card, pullin’ it out and seein’ what it tells ya, that’s a good start. Some folks say you can just pull one card for a quick readin’ on what’s going on right now. Easy peasy, right?
Then, if you get fancy, you can try pullin’ three cards. The first one’s the past, what happened before. The second one’s the present, what’s happening now. And the third one’s the future, what’s gonna happen next. Or, if you’re really ambitious, you can try one of them fancy spreads, with lots of cards in different positions. But that’s for another day, when you’ve got more time on your hands.
So there you have it, a little somethin’ about tarot card numbers in order. Remember, it ain’t just about memorizin’ the numbers and the suits. It’s about listenin’ to what them cards are tryin’ to tell ya. And that, my friend, that takes a lifetime.
Folks say these readings give you some guidance or connect with your spirit or energy, or whatever they call it. You know, I once knew this fella who swore these cards told him everything. He was always pullin’ cards for everything. Should I plant my corn now, should I buy a new hen, should I marry this gal. Always listenin’ to the cards, he did. And sometimes they were right, and sometimes they were wrong. That’s just how it is with these things, I guess. They ain’t perfect, you know? But they can help you think about things in a new way.

Anyway, if you’re just startin’ out, don’t get overwhelmed. Just take it slow, one card at a time. And remember, it’s all about learnin’ and growin’. Just like life, right?
Now, I gotta go feed them chickens. You take care now, and may them tarot cards be good to ya.