Okay, so I’ve been messing around with this whole astrology thing, and let me tell you, it’s a wild ride. Today, I wanted to dive into something called “Sun Sextile Saturn Synastry” – sounds fancy, right? Basically, it’s about how the Sun and Saturn in two people’s birth charts can create this supportive, almost teacher-student vibe.

First off, I had to figure out what the heck a “sextile” even is. Turns out, it’s when two planets are about 60 degrees apart, and it’s supposed to be a good thing – like, they get along well. Then, synastry is just a fancy word for comparing two people’s charts to see how they vibe together.
So, I started by pulling up my own birth chart and the chart of my friend, let’s call him Alex. I used one of those free websites, ’cause who wants to pay for this stuff? You just punch in the birth date, time, and place, and boom – you get this complicated-looking wheel with all sorts of symbols.
Next, I had to find the Sun and Saturn in both charts. The Sun is pretty easy to spot – it’s the big circle with a dot in the middle. Saturn looks like a little “h” with a cross on top. Once I located them, I had to figure out the angle between them. Honestly, I just eyeballed it, but there are probably more precise ways to do it.
In my chart, the Sun was in Gemini, and in Alex’s chart, Saturn was in Aquarius. According to what I read, this is a classic sextile aspect. Gemini is all about communication and ideas, while Aquarius is about innovation and the bigger picture. This meant that my Sun (my core self) could be supported by Alex’s Saturn (his sense of discipline and structure).
My Process:
- Pulled up birth charts: Used a free website to generate both mine and Alex’s charts.
- Identified the Sun and Saturn: Found the symbols for both planets in each chart.
- Checked the angle: Estimated the angle between the Sun and Saturn to see if it was a sextile.
- Interpreted the signs: Looked at the zodiac signs the Sun and Saturn were in to understand the specific energies at play.
Now, here’s where it got interesting. I started thinking about my relationship with Alex. He’s always been the more grounded one, the one who helps me focus my scattered energy. I come up with a million ideas, and he helps me figure out which ones are actually worth pursuing. It’s like he provides the structure I need to make my ideas a reality.
I realized that this Sun sextile Saturn thing might actually explain a lot about our dynamic. It’s not that he’s trying to control me or anything, it’s more like he provides a supportive framework that helps me thrive. And apparently, I might help him loosen up a bit and explore new possibilities. It’s a win-win!
Of course, this is just one aspect of our entire astrological makeup. There’s a whole lot of other stuff going on in our charts that could be influencing our relationship. But it was pretty cool to see how this one particular aspect seemed to resonate with our real-life experience.
So, if you’re curious about your relationships, you might want to check out this whole synastry thing. It’s a fun way to explore the different energies at play and maybe even gain some insight into why you click with certain people and clash with others. Just remember, it’s not about predicting the future or anything, it’s more about understanding the potential for growth and connection. And it’s kinda entertaining to do it just for fun.