Okay, so, I’ve been seeing the number 850 everywhere lately. On license plates, receipts, clocks – you name it. At first, I just shrugged it off as a coincidence. But it kept happening, over and over again. It got to the point where I was like, “Alright, what is going on here?”

So, I did what any normal person would do and googled it. Turns out, it’s something called an “angel number.” Apparently, it’s a message from the universe, or angels, or something like that. Sounds pretty wild, right? I wasn’t really buying it at first.
But then I started reading about what 850 supposedly means. From what I gathered, it’s all about change and aligning your actions with your purpose. It has something to do with the numbers 0, 5, and 8, and how they combine. 0 is supposed to be super powerful for manifesting dreams, and 5 is all about major changes. Kind of like the number 555, which I guess is also about change. 8, from what I understand, relates to abundance and karma. So 850 seems to be a mix of all of these energies.
Now, I’m not usually one for this kind of stuff. I’m more of a practical, down-to-earth kind of guy. But here’s the thing – I have been feeling kind of stuck lately. Like I’m not really going anywhere. And I have been thinking a lot about what I really want to do with my life.
So, I decided to run a little experiment. I figured, why not? What’s the worst that could happen? I started paying more attention to my thoughts and actions. I tried to be more mindful of the choices I was making, and whether they were actually taking me closer to where I want to be or further away.
- I started by making a list of things I wanted to achieve. Nothing crazy, just small, achievable goals.
- Then, I focused on taking small steps each day towards those goals.
- I also started meditating for a few minutes each day. Just to clear my head and get some clarity.
And you know what? Things started to shift. I started feeling more motivated, more focused. I even got a new project at work that’s actually something I’m excited about. It feels like things are finally moving forward.
I don’t know if it’s the angel number 850, or just the fact that I’m paying more attention to my life, but something is definitely changing. It could also be the power of suggestion, just thinking about 850 is making me pay more attention to things. Who knows! I’m not saying I’m a total believer now, but I’m definitely more open to the possibility that there might be more to this universe than we can see. It’s been a pretty interesting experience, to say the least. Maybe there’s something to this whole “angel number” thing after all. I’ll keep you guys posted if anything else happens. I still keep seeing 850 but now it’s not so surprising. It’s more like a little reminder to keep going.