Oh, you want me to talk about this Pluto thingy with the Sun, huh? Like, what happens when they’re all friendly and whatnot? Alright, alright, lemme tell ya what I think, no fancy words, just plain talk.

So, there’s this Pluto planet, right? It’s all about changin’ things up, deep down stuff. And then you got the Sun, that’s like, who you are, your energy, you know, like your motor. Now, when these two get along real nice, they do this “sextile” thing. Don’t ask me what that means, some space talk. But it’s good, real good.
It’s like, imagine you got this garden. Been the same ol’ garden for ages. Then, Pluto comes along and whispers, “Hey, let’s dig up this dirt, try somethin’ new!” But it ain’t mean about it, it’s like a good friend nudgin’ ya. And the Sun, that’s you, says, “Sure, why not? Let’s see what happens.” And then, bam! Things start growin’ better, different, exciting.
That’s what this Pluto sextile Sun thing does to ya. It’s like, it makes you wanna grow, make things better. You get this itch to change stuff, but in a good way. Not like when things fall apart and you gotta fix ’em. No, this is like, you WANT to change, you feel it inside.
- Maybe you decide to learn somethin’ new. Like, I don’t know, knittin’ or somethin’. You never did it before, but suddenly, you just gotta try.
- Or maybe you clean out that closet you been avoidin’. Get rid of all the old junk, make space for somethin’ fresh.
- Or maybe you start talkin’ to folks different. You know, stand up for yourself more, say what you really think.
It’s like, you ain’t afraid no more. You got this new strength, this new energy. And it’s all because Pluto and the Sun are playin’ nice together.
You know, some folks are scared of change. They like things the way they are, even if it ain’t so great. But with this Pluto-Sun thing, it’s like change is a friend. It’s not scary, it’s excitin’. It’s like openin’ a present and not knowin’ what’s inside, but you just know it’s gonna be good.
Think of it like this, you ever seen a caterpillar turn into a butterfly? It’s a big change, right? But it’s a good change. The caterpillar gotta let go of bein’ a caterpillar to become somethin’ beautiful. That’s what this Pluto sextile Sun thing is about. Lettin’ go, growin’, becomin’ somethin’ better.
Now, I ain’t sayin’ it’s always easy. Change can be hard, even when it’s good. But with Pluto and the Sun on your side, you got the strength to handle it. You got the courage to try new things, to take risks, to make your life better.
So, if you got this Pluto sextile Sun thing goin’ on in your chart, or whatever they call it, don’t be afraid. Embrace it! Let yourself change, grow, become the best version of yourself. It’s a good thing, trust me. Like plantin’ seeds and watchin’ ’em grow into somethin’ wonderful. That’s what this Pluto and Sun thing is all about.
Tags: Pluto Sextile Sun, Astrology, Personal Growth, Transformation, Change