So, the other day, I decided to figure out what this whole “Pisces Sun, Cancer Moon, Virgo Rising” thing meant for me. I’ve always been a bit of a feelings-driven person, you know? Like, relationships and all that jazz really take the front seat in my life. And it turns out, that’s a very Pisces Sun, Cancer Moon kind of thing.

I started digging around, just casually, nothing too intense. I mean, who has the time for those deep dives, right? But I found some stuff that said this combination makes for a pretty interesting mix of being creative and, at the same time, kind of practical. It’s like having this artsy side but also being able to get stuff done, which is me in a nutshell, honestly.
First, I had a look at those Pisces and Virgo Moon things. Apparently, they’re pretty different, but their differences bring them together. It’s like, the Virgo Moon keeps the Pisces Moon grounded, which I guess I need sometimes. I can get a little lost in my own world, daydreaming and what not.
- I spent a good few hours just reading random articles and watching a few videos.
- It felt like piecing together a puzzle.
- I tried to match up what I was learning with my own experiences.
Then there’s the whole Pisces Rising thing. From what I gathered, it’s all about being super committed to your beliefs. Like, when you believe in something, you’re all in. And yeah, that’s definitely me. I get super passionate about things and I’m not afraid to show it. I even wrote down some examples to see if they fit. Let me tell you, it was a bit of an eye-opener, seeing it all laid out like that.
Getting Down to the Nitty-Gritty
I realized I’m pretty good at picking up on what other people are feeling. It’s like I can sense it even before they say anything. Which, now that I think about it, is a bit of a Pisces thing, this whole intuition thing that it’s strong. So, I took some time to reflect on that, how I interact with people, you know? Thinking about past conversations, how I reacted, stuff like that. Not in a creepy way, just trying to understand myself better.
This whole self-discovery thing is kind of addictive, you know? You start with one little thing, and before you know it, you’re down this rabbit hole of trying to figure out all the pieces of your personality. And it’s kind of cool, actually. It makes those “aha” moments even better, when you realize why you react a certain way to things or why you’re drawn to certain people or situations.
I ended up jotting down a bunch of notes, nothing fancy, just thoughts and observations. It was messy, but it made sense to me. I guess it’s all about finding what works for you, right? There’s no right or wrong way to do this kind of self-reflection.