Okay, so, let me tell you about this whole “Sun sextile Ascendant synastry” thing I’ve been messing around with. It all started when I was trying to figure out why some people just click, you know? Like, why are some relationships smooth sailing from the get-go, while others are just… a mess?

I started digging into astrology, which, I know, some people think is a load of baloney. But hey, I was curious. I began by comparing the birth charts of couples I know, looking for patterns. That’s when I stumbled upon this “Sun sextile Ascendant” aspect. It basically means that in two people’s charts, the Sun in one chart is forming a nice, easy angle (a sextile) with the Ascendant (which is kind of like your public face) in the other chart.
First, I gathered a bunch of birth charts from friends, family, even some folks online who were willing to share. I used one of those free online tools. You just plug in the birth date, time, and place, and bam! You’ve got a chart.
Then, I started comparing charts, specifically looking for that Sun-Ascendant sextile. I highlighted the Sun in one chart and the Ascendant in the other, then checked the angle between them. If it was around 60 degrees, give or take, that’s a sextile.
- I noticed that when this aspect showed up, the couples seemed to have a natural understanding. It was like they just “got” each other.
- They tended to support each other’s goals and were pretty good at presenting a united front to the world.
- There was this vibe of cooperation and mutual respect.
I kept a spreadsheet of all my findings. Yeah, I’m a bit of a nerd like that. I wrote down notes about each couple, how they interacted, what their challenges were, and whether they had this Sun-Ascendant sextile thing going on. The more charts I analyzed, the more this pattern seemed to hold up. When the Sun and Ascendant were playing nice, the couples generally had an easier time of it. They seemed to bring out the best in each other and were able to work together pretty well.
But, it wasn’t just about the sextile. I also looked at other aspects in their charts, like whether their Moons were compatible or if their Mars was squaring each other (which, let me tell you, can lead to some serious fireworks!). The thing about synastry is it was a little complex. But the sextile was a good sign for sure.
Now, I’m not saying this is some magic formula for relationship success. There’s a lot more to it than just one aspect. But from what I’ve seen, this Sun sextile Ascendant thing can definitely contribute to a harmonious and supportive relationship. It’s like the universe is giving these couples a little boost, making it easier for them to shine together.
Of course, this is just my personal experience. I’m not some certified astrologer or anything. But it’s been a fun little project, and it’s definitely made me think more about the dynamics between people. I shared all my findings with my friends, and even managed to convince a few skeptics to at least consider the possibility that there might be something to this astrology stuff. We had some pretty interesting conversations about it, that’s for sure! I even got a few of them hooked on checking their own synastry with their partners. It became a bit of a fun game for us, trying to guess who had what aspects in their charts. And you know what? It actually helped some of them understand their relationships a bit better.
So, if you’re curious about your own relationships, why not give it a try? Look up your birth chart and the chart of someone you care about. See if you’ve got that Sun sextile Ascendant thing happening. It might just give you a little insight into why you click the way you do. This was just a start, next time, I want to take a look at that Sun opposite Ascendant case and see what is going on there.