Alright, let’s talk about this here “transit Pluto opposite natal sun” thing. Don’t go gettin’ all fancy on me, I ain’t no scholar. But I can tell ya, when them planets start doin’ their dance, things get stirred up, just like dust in a windstorm.

Now, they say this “Pluto opposite sun” is a big deal, a real game-changer. Means you’re gonna be lookin’ at yourself real hard, like starin’ in a cracked mirror. Gonna see things you don’t like, maybe things you been hidin’ from, even from yourself.
- First off, you gonna feel pulled in different directions. Like tryin’ to hold onto two slippery pigs at the same time. One side of you wants one thing, the other side wants somethin’ else entirely. It’s a real tug-of-war inside your head, and let me tell ya, that ain’t no fun.
- Then, you gonna start seein’ things real clear, like washin’ a dirty window. Stuff you been ignorin’, people you been trustin’ that maybe you shouldn’t have. It’s like all the secrets and lies come crawlin’ out from under the rug.
This ain’t no picnic, mind you. It’s gonna feel like you’re walkin’ through mud, uphill, both ways. You might feel like folks are challengin’ you, pushin’ you around. Or maybe you just feel like you ain’t got no control over nothin’. Like tryin’ to steer a wagon with a busted wheel.
But see, this here Pluto, he ain’t all bad. He’s like a tough ol’ farmer, plowin’ up the hard ground. It’s messy work, but it needs to be done if you wanna plant new seeds. This “transit” thing, it’s about changin’, about growin’, even if it hurts a bit. Like pullin’ a splinter, gotta sting before it gets better.
You might have trouble with your own self-worth, you know, feelin’ like you ain’t good enough. Or maybe your relationships get all twisted up, like a tangled ball of yarn. Could be you get into fights, or maybe you just feel like someone’s always tryin’ to boss you around. Or heck, maybe you’re the one doin’ the bossin’ and you don’t even see it.
And watch out for them bad habits. Like that ol’ hound dog that keeps diggin’ in the trash, you might find yourself doin’ things you know you shouldn’t. Maybe you’re drinkin’ too much, or maybe you’re always snoopin’ around where you don’t belong. This Pluto, he’ll shine a light on all that, make you see it clear as day.
Now, some folks say this is a good time to speak your mind, to say what you really think. But be careful, words are like eggs, once they’re broken, you can’t put ’em back together. You might find yourself arguin’ with folks, or maybe you just start thinkin’ real hard about stuff you never thought about before. Like tryin’ to figure out how many beans are in a jar, it’ll make your head spin.
And them feelings, oh boy, them feelings gonna be strong. Like a river in flood, they’ll just wash over you. You might get angry, you might get sad, you might feel like you’re on a roller coaster, up one minute, down the next. It ain’t easy, but you gotta ride it out, like a storm passin’ through.
So, what do you do when this here Pluto starts stirrin’ things up? Well, you gotta be strong. You gotta be honest with yourself. You gotta be willin’ to change. It ain’t gonna be easy, but it’ll be worth it in the end. Like cleanin’ out the barn, it’s a lot of work, but you feel a whole lot better when it’s done. You’ll come out stronger, like an oak tree after a windstorm. You’ll know yourself better, like the back of your hand.
This Pluto opposite sun transit, it ain’t somethin’ to be feared, but it ain’t somethin’ to ignore neither. It’s a time for lookin’ deep inside, for facing your demons, for comin’ out on the other side a better person. It’s about growin’, changin’ and finding that inner strength you didn’t even know you had. Just remember to hold on tight, keep your chin up, and trust that you’ll get through it. Like my old mammy used to say, “this too shall pass”.
Tags: [Pluto Opposite Sun, Pluto Transit, Natal Sun, Astrology Transit, Personal Transformation, Self-Discovery, Challenges, Change]