This here life, it sure throws some curveballs. One day you’re up, next day you’re down in the dumps. That’s just how it goes. And this heartbreak stuff, lord have mercy, that’s a whole other level of hurt. It’s like a cow kicked you in the gut and then stomped on your soul for good measure. Astrology, they call it, some folks say the stars and planets got something to do with it.

My granddaughter, she’s all into that stuff. She says them heartbreak transits, those are the times when the planets are all messed up and they stir up trouble in your life. Makes you feel like you’re walking through a field of thistles barefoot. Everything’s prickly and painful. She showed me this chart thing, all these lines and circles, looked like a spiderweb to me. She said, “Grandma, this shows when you’re gonna have a rough patch.” I just nodded. I don’t understand half of what she says. But I do know what a rough patch feels like. This heartbreak, it’s like when your best hen stops laying eggs and then gets snatched by a fox in the middle of the night. You lose something good and there ain’t a darn thing you can do about it.
They say there’s twelve of them zodiac signs. Like, some folks are goats, some are bulls, some are fish. Don’t ask me how that works, I just know that’s what they say. And each one of them signs, they got their own way of dealing with this heartbreak transits thing. Like my neighbor, Bessie, she’s a goat, I think. When she got her heart broke, she just worked herself to the bone. Planted a whole acre of potatoes, that woman did. Kept her mind busy, I reckon. Me, I’m more like that bull sign. I just get stubborn and sit there, feeling sorry for myself.
Now, this heartbreak transits astrology, it’s supposed to tell you when these bad times are coming. Like a weatherman predicting a storm. If you know a storm’s coming, you can board up your windows, right? Same idea, I guess. If you know a heartbreak transit is coming, maybe you can prepare yourself somehow. Maybe you can bake a whole bunch of pies and eat them all. Or maybe you can go visit your sister, the one who always makes you laugh, even when you feel like crying.
- That heartbreak, it’s a real doozy.
- Leaves you feeling lost.
- Like a scarecrow in a cornfield.
- Just standing there, empty.
My granddaughter, she says these heartbreak transits, they don’t last forever. Thank goodness for that. She says they’re like the seasons. You got your winter, cold and harsh. Then you got your spring, things start to grow again. It’s all about your growth and looking at your “transits”. It is a deep pain. She says these transits, they show you where you need to grow, like a plant needing sunshine. Sounds a bit too fancy for me, but I guess there’s something to it. I mean, after a bad winter, spring always comes, right? The sun comes out, the birds start singing again. Life goes on.
So maybe this heartbreak transits astrology stuff, maybe it’s not all hogwash. Maybe there’s something to these stars and planets. They might tell you when a heartbreak is coming. Maybe they can even tell you how to get through it. Like I said, I don’t understand all that mumbo jumbo. But I do know this: heartbreak is a part of life, just like sunshine and rain. And just like the seasons, it will pass. You just gotta hold on tight, weather the storm, and wait for the sun to come out again. This transit is just like planting seeds. You gotta plant them, water them, and wait. Then, one day, you got a whole field of sunflowers. That’s what I think, anyway.
It is not easy, you know. Like when you lose your favorite quilt, the one your mama made you. It’s a hole in your heart that just aches. These heartbreak transits, it’s like the planets are playing a sad song, and you just gotta listen to it for a while. But then, the music changes. It gets a little brighter, a little more hopeful. And that, my friend, that is also a part of this heartbreak transits astrology. It is a transit, they say, it is about moving.
You gotta keep moving, even when it hurts. Like an old mule, just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Even when the road is rocky. Keep going. Keep growing. That is what it is about. I hope these words make some sense. You know I am not a woman with much schooling, but I know a thing or two about life.
This heartbreak is like a bad storm, it is. But even the worst storms pass. The sun comes out again. The birds start singing. And you realize, you’re still here. You’re still standing. Maybe a little bruised, a little battered, but still here. And that’s something, ain’t it? So these heartbreak transits, they may knock you down, but they won’t keep you down. Not if you don’t let them.
Just remember what I said. Keep moving. Keep growing. And wait for the sun. It will come out again. I promise. It always does. Every time, you know. And every time it is a little bit easier. This astrology thing, it is about the stars, it is, but it is also about you. You and your heart. And your heart, it is strong. Stronger than you think. Remember that when it is a transit, you are strong. Always be strong. That is my advice. Take it or leave it.