Alright, let’s talk about them cards, the Judgement and Justice tarot, you know? Folks always gabbing about ‘em, so I figured, why not me too? I ain’t no fancy card reader, mind you, just a plain ol’ woman spitting out what I see.

First off, the Justice card. That one’s all about fairness, see? Like, you get what you deserve, good or bad. It ain’t got no favorites, this Justice. It’s like that old scale at the market, gotta be balanced, right? If you been good, doin’ right by folks, well, then good things gonna come your way. But if you been sneakin’ around, cheatin’ and lyin’, then watch out! Justice gonna find you, sure as the sun rises in the mornin’. It’s all about truth and honesty, plain and simple. No weaselin’ out of it.
- Fairness and balance
- Truth and honesty
- Consequences for your actions
Now, the Judgement card, that’s a bit different. It ain’t just about what you done, but about wakin’ up, see? It’s like a big ol’ rooster crowin’ in your ear, tellin’ you to get outta bed and face the music. Maybe you been sleepwalkin’ through life, not payin’ attention to nothin’. Judgement’s there to shake you up, make you look at yourself, really look. It’s about forgivin’ yourself too, not just gettin’ judged by some higher power. You gotta forgive your own mistakes before you can move on.
It’s like, you know, when you plant potatoes. You gotta dig ‘em up, clean ‘em off, and get rid of the bad ones before you can eat ‘em. Judgement’s kinda like that, diggin’ up all the stuff inside you, good and bad, and makin’ you sort it out. It ain’t easy, but it’s gotta be done.
Now, when you get these two cards together, Justice and Judgement, that’s when things get real interestin’. It’s like a double whammy, a real wake-up call. It means you ain’t just gonna face the music for what you done, but you also gotta take a good hard look at yourself and figure out why you done it in the first place.
Think of it like this: Justice is the judge bangin’ his gavel, sayin’ “guilty” or “not guilty.” But Judgement is you standin’ there, lookin’ at yourself in the mirror, askin’ “Why did I do it? What can I learn from this? How can I be better?”
It’s like when my grandson, that little rascal, stole cookies from the jar. Justice was his ma sendin’ him to bed without supper. But Judgement was him sittin’ there in his room, thinkin’ about why he stole them cookies and feelin’ bad about it. See the difference?
Sometimes, this combo means a big decision is comin’ your way. Maybe you gotta make a choice that ain’t easy, one that will affect your whole life. You gotta be honest with yourself, weigh all the facts, and do what’s right, even if it’s hard. It ain’t about quick fixes or easy answers. It’s about takin’ responsibility and doin’ what’s fair.
So, if you pull these cards, don’t go runnin’ for the hills. It ain’t the end of the world. It’s a chance to grow, to learn, to become a better person. It’s a chance to face your past, forgive yourself, and move on. Just remember to be honest, be fair, and be true to yourself. That’s all there is to it, really.
And don’t go thinkin’ these cards are some kinda magic. They just point the way, you know? You still gotta do the walkin’ yourself. Ain’t no card gonna fix your problems for ya. You gotta put in the work, be honest with yourself, and do what’s right. Then, and only then, will you find peace and happiness.
So that’s my two cents on them Judgement and Justice cards. Like I said, I ain’t no expert, just a plain ol’ woman sharin’ what I know. Take it or leave it, it’s up to you.

Tags: [tarot, justice, judgement, fairness, consequences, self-reflection, decisions, truth, honesty, responsibility]