Alright, let’s talk about this “are we meant to be together” tarot stuff. You know, like when you’re wonderin’ if that fella of yours is the real deal or just a waste of your good cookin’. I ain’t no fancy pants reader or nothin’, but I seen enough cards pulled to know they can kinda give you a nudge in the right direction.

So, this “are we meant to be together tarot spread,” it’s like a picture show for your love life. Not them movin’ pictures, mind you, but pictures on cards. And this particular show has seven of ’em. Think of it like this: each card tells a little story about your relationship, like pieces of a puzzle. You put ’em all together and you get a better idea of what’s what.
What’s this spread all about then? Well, it ain’t gonna magically tell you his mama’s birthday or what he had for breakfast. But it can give you a peek into whether you two are headed for sunshine or a big ol’ storm. It helps you see if your hearts are beatin’ to the same drum, you know?
- Card Number One: This one’s the big picture, the main course. It shows you what your relationship is built on. Is it good solid ground, like a strong oak tree, or is it shaky, like a rickety old fence?
- Cards Two and Three: These cards are like lookin’ in a mirror. One shows you and your feelin’s, the other shows him and his. Are you both lookin’ in the same direction, or is one of you starin’ off into the woods?
- Cards Four and Five: These are the “what if” cards. They tell you what might happen if you stay together and what might happen if you go your separate ways. Kinda like choosin’ between two roads, one might be bumpy, the other smooth.
- Card Six: This one’s the advice card. It’s like your grandma whisperin’ in your ear, tellin’ you what to watch out for or what to do next.
- Card Seven: And this here is the final answer, like the buzzer on a game show. It gives you a sense of the overall outcome, if you two are meant to be or if it’s time to move on to greener pastures.
Now, some of these cards, they got special meanin’s. Like, if you see that “Lovers” card pop up, that’s a good sign. It means there’s real love there, not just puppy love or infatuation. And if you see the “Sun” card shinin’ bright, that means things are lookin’ up, lots of happiness and good times ahead. The “Empress” card, that’s about abundance and things growin’, like a garden in the spring. That can mean a family, or just a relationship that’s rich and full. Oh, and there’s this “Two of Cups” card, folks call it the “soulmate” card. If you see that, well, that’s a pretty good hint that you might’ve found your person.
But listen here, don’t go thinkin’ these cards are gonna make all your decisions for you. They ain’t some magic eight ball. They just give you a little somethin’ to think about, somethin’ to help you listen to your own heart. Because in the end, it’s your heart that knows what’s right for you, not some piece of cardboard.
And remember, relationships ain’t always easy. Even if the cards look good, you still gotta put in the work. You gotta water that garden, tend to that fence, make sure that oak tree stays strong. It’s like bakin’ a cake, you need the right ingredients, but you also gotta mix ’em right and bake it at the right temperature. So, use these cards as a guide, but don’t forget to use your head and your heart too. That’s the real secret to a happy ever after. You don’t need no fancy city slicker to tell you that, that’s just common sense, plain and simple.
So, is it worth doin’ this “are we meant to be together tarot spread?” Well, if you’re feelin’ lost and need a little guidance, why not? It ain’t gonna hurt nothin’. Just remember to take it with a grain of salt, like you do with most things in life. And don’t go blamin’ the cards if things don’t work out. At the end of the day, you’re the one holdin’ the reins, you’re the one drivin’ the wagon. These cards just help you see the road a little clearer, that’s all.
Tags: [Tarot Spread, Love Tarot, Relationship Tarot, Soulmate Tarot, Meant To Be, Tarot Reading, Compatibility, Future Love, Tarot Cards, Divination]