Okay, so I’ve been diving into Tarot lately, and I wanted to really get the cards, you know? Not just memorize meanings, but like, feel them. So I decided to do a deep dive with one card each day, and today was the Ace of Coins.
First thing I did was pull out my deck – I’m using the classic Rider-Waite, nothing fancy. I shuffled it a few times, thinking about what I wanted to learn about this Ace. Then, I spread the cards out face down and just kinda hovered my hand over them until one felt… right. And yep, I picked the Ace of Coins!
I took a good long look at the card. It’s got that big, gold coin held up in a hand coming out of a cloud, right? And there’s a garden below, with a gate and mountains in the distance. I sat with it for a bit, just noticing all the little details. I even grabbed a notebook and jotted down some initial thoughts:
- Coin: Obviously money, but also maybe a new opportunity, something solid.
- Hand: Like, an offering? Something being given?
- Garden: Growth, potential, but also needing work and care.
- Gate/Mountains: A path forward, challenges but also rewards.
Then, I decided to try a little visualization exercise. I closed my eyes and imagined myself walking into that garden. What did it smell like? What did the coin feel like in my hand? I pictured myself planting that coin in the ground, like a seed. What would grow from it? What would I need to do to nurture it?
It was pretty cool, actually. It felt like the card was telling me to be open to new opportunities, but also to be practical and put in the effort. It’s not enough to just have the seed (the opportunity), you gotta plant it and water it, you know?
My takeaway for the day
I wrote down some affirmations based on this Ace: “I am open to new opportunities,” “I am grounded and practical,” “I am willing to put in the work to achieve my goals.” I’m gonna keep those in mind throughout the day and see how they feel. Maybe I’ll even pull this card again tomorrow and see if any new insights pop up.
All I can say after my experiment with the Ace of coins tarot, is, it is a great card to give anyone looking to get into tarot a good place to start.